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設計家 Searchome 創立之背景

  • 2008年9月,由深耕台灣居家生活風格雜誌暨叢書媒體多年第一品牌『MY HOME麥浩斯出版社』,創立了旗下網站品牌【設計家Searchome】。
  • 麥浩斯出版社,同為城邦出版集團旗下品牌,自創立以來,一直風格設計、室內裝修、佈置、DIY手作、花草園藝、家事收納等多樣化內容,以及精準的議題操作獨步同業,其中《漂亮家居》更是擔任國際空間時尚潮流、室內設計業主與台灣讀者間的傳播橋樑。
  • 隨著科技日新月異,網路化的普及下,延伸出大量數位閱讀者,故【設計家Searchome】應運而生,成為國內第一個提供家居裝潢圖片搜尋服務為主題的網站。


  • 【設計家Searchome】以服務廣大有裝潢需求的使用者,以及不分國內外的室內設計業主,利用網路優勢,傳遞雙方訊息,強化資訊交流,促進雙方溝通和諧為首要目的。
  • 對於有裝潢需求的使用者,設計家Searchome提供成千上萬的居家裝潢文章、圖庫、影音、居家用品,並與線上近千位室內設計師合作,透過平台,快速、輕鬆地滿足使用者的裝潢需求,解決使用者裝潢的疑難雜症,祈能成為使用者最好沒有之一的裝潢好夥伴!
  • 對室內設計業主,設計家Searchome透過優良化的平台架構,及網路化操作之便利,讓設計師不需要耗費時間精力,即可快速曝光作品及企業資訊,為其爭取廣大宣傳效益。並經由設計家Searchome強大的配對系統,快速精準地找到有裝潢需求的使用者。


  • 網站知名度不斷提昇下,使用者進站瀏覽文章、圖片、影音,或使用室內設計相關輔助功能,效果顯著。室內設計知識庫部分,有許多文章與裝潢案例圖片,都可充分展現欲裝潢民眾至本站可瀏覽最新相關設計資訊。除此之外,設計家Searchome更提供多樣優質內容,除了製作專題內容、讓民眾可相互分享自己最喜歡收藏的裝潢圖庫。
  • 根據本站「配對快易通」功能,由使用者提供需求內容,藉由站內機制媒合,讓設計師有機會服務更多想裝潢民眾。一年成功配對超過上千次設計師給使用者,隨著口碑的傳遞,服務的次數也與去年同期相比呈現倍數的成長,若以平均裝潢費用約100萬計算,幾乎可創造逾15億商機。
  • 除了投入資源導入協助裝潢需求雙方的努力,設計家Searchome不斷深耕議題經營,社群經營規模也達相當驚人的效果,透過FaceBook、 LINE@、Instagram讓民眾透過各種不同使用者習慣的介面去創造更多適合民眾關注的議題。
  • 設計家Searchome一直與室內設計界共同努力,透過從校園至業界的培養,已連續三年舉辦新秀設計師大賽,為室內設計師提供不斷前進的目標,參與人數節節攀升,年年報名人數不斷倍數成長,2016年有近千位設計新秀參與。另協辦中華民國室內設計協會之TID台灣室內設計大獎,蔚為兩岸四地及亞太華人地區指標性的專業獎項。
  • 許多室內設計無數的榮耀,設計家Searchome始終扮演著重要角色,兢兢業業冀能為室內設計界帶來更多創新服務、同時服務更多需要裝潢的民眾,成為最符合使用者習性的產業平台。


  • •2009年榮獲新聞局數位創新加值服務獎
  • •2012年榮獲第十二屆金網獎服務平台類優質獎
  • •2014年第十四屆金手指網路獎金手指獎
  • •2014年第十四屆金手指網路獎年度最佳內容及社群網站獎
  • •2016年入圍第五十一屆金鐘獎教育文化節目主持人獎
  • •2017年榮獲第四十一屆金鼎獎數位創新獎
  • •2018年榮獲國際艾奇獎數位產品創新銅獎
  • •2018年入圍工業局數位內容產品網站服務類
  • •2019年榮獲國際艾奇獎模式創新類銀獎

About Us

The background of searchome

  • In September 2008, the top branding publishing house which deeply cultivated Taiwan’s living style magazine and book series, MY HOUSE publishing Co., ltd, founded its own website called Searchome.
  • MY HOUSE publishing Co., ltd, a brand belongs to Citie publishing corp., has been in the leading position among the competitors by working on wide variety of contents like design styling, interior designing, decorating, DIY, gardening and storage techniques as well as the accurate subject managing. And “myhomelife" is even serving as the bridge between Taiwan’s readers and the International fashion trend also the interior designers.
  • With the rapid development of technology and the popularization of the internet, comes a large number of readers who obtain their information from the web. Therefore, [Searchome] was founded to serve as the first website to provide the search engine for pictures of interior design in the country.

The Mission of Searchome

  • The top priority of Searchome is to serve all the users who has the need in interior design and also the interior designers, by utilizing the advantage of the network to convey their information and thus achieve quality communication between the house owners and designers.
  • For those who have the needs of home decoration, Searchome provides hundreds of thousands of related articles, photo galleries, short videos and houseware as well as working with thousands of interior designers to fulfill user’s decorating needs easily and efficiently. Hope to become the best partner that the users would ever have.
  • Through the optimized website architecture and the convenience of the internet, Searchome allows interior designers to expose their work and business information without spending lots of time and effort but also maximizes the advertising efficiency. Furthermore, with the powerful matching system, the users with needs of house decoration can be found quickly and accurately.

The Realization and Vision of Searchome

  • With the increasing reputation, there are more and more users visit our website to view articles, photo galleries and videos or use the interior design related assistant function. Regarding to the knowledge base of interior design, there are lots of articles and photos of design cases which can fully demonstrate that people can browse through and receive the latest design information. In addition, Searhome provides various of quality content that besides making the featured content, people can also share their favorite collection of decorating photo galleries with each other.
  • According to the "Designers Matching Express” feature, users can provide the content of demand through the matching system of the site and the designer will more have chances to provide their services to more people who wants to decorate their home. There are thousands of successful matches in one year and through the spreaded reputation, the number of services shows multiple times of increase. If the average cost of house decoration is about 1 million, then almost 1.5 billion business market has been created.
  • In addition to keep investing resource to help both house owners with decorating needs and the interior designers, Searchome continues to cultivate featured subjects; the management of social network media has also achieved amazing result. Through the Facebook, LINE@ and Instagram, people can create more mattered subjects with various user interfaces that they are used to.
  • Searchome has been working closely with the interior design industry, through the cultivation across campus and the industry. The “TINTA" which has been held three years in a row, provides a goal for the interior designers to keep moving forward. The numbers of applicants has grown by multiple times through these years and there are nearly a thousand new designers joined the event in 2016. Searhome also sponsored the Taiwan Interior Design,TID Awards, held by the Chinese Society of Interior Designers which is indicative professional award across mainland China, Taiwan and Hong kong.
  • Searchome has been playing a very important role and participating in many of the glorious times of the interior design industry and dedicated to bring more innovative services into it while serving more people with house decorating needs and becoming the platform that fits in user’s habit the most
